Monday, October 27, 2008

Be the Left Tackle on Your Team

Today, I received an excellent piece of advice from someone I trust. I was told to think about a football team. Think of myself as the left tackle on this team. When we huddle before the play, what would the team think if I said to the team that I had an idea on the type of play we could run. Try this play since I think it will work. First off, the quarterback may not like the idea that I decided to butt in and give suggestions on what we could do better. It could come across wrong to the quarterback since his left tackle seems to think the team should try another approach. He is the quarterback and is expected to lead the team. Everyone else on the offense puts their trust in the quarterback and his playcalling, even if they disagree with the play selection. As the left tackle, it is my job to do what the quarterback decides to do and play with the team. Protect the quarterback and do my job to the best of its ability to hold off the opposition.

That is the way I need to think from this point forward. Play with the team and do my job as the left tackle.


Anonymous said...

Great post on being a good follower. I wish more people understood this concept.

Sean Tevis said...


If you have a superior idea, the only flaw in proposing it is the rigidity of the hierarchy in which you proposed it.

In your example, the team will more than likely fail because there is no mechanism to improve other than a single source, the quarterback.

Good information must be able to be introduced and judged on it's own merits. Don't give up.