Sunday, November 9, 2008

Born to Fly!

This posting is originally from the website Inspire Me Today. I was so inspired (pun intended) by reading it that I wanted to post here for all of you to enjoy:

You can do it! Don’t listen to the naysayers, those that haven’t done what you’re trying to accomplish, or those who never will. You are the only one who knows the dream in your heart. Don’t listen to the voice in your head that doubts the passion of your heart. The heart is always right, even though the head can sometimes appear quite convincing. That passion was put there for a reason. Honor it. Treasure it. Listen to it! Follow where it leads you without question.

The road may be a new trail and the path may appear bumpy. You might be scared and even feel afraid, but you know deep in your heart that the fear isn’t real. It’s just your body experiencing something new and the mind starting to play survival tricks with you all over again. That voice of fear may come in handy if a tiger is chasing you, but not today. Today is the day for the dreamer in you to surface. So wake up your inner dreamer. Give your inner dreamer permission to shout its message to you and shine! Listen to what you hear if you’re scared. For when the passion is louder than the fear, you’ll succeed. You can do this. I believe in you! You’ve done things scarier than this before and you’ve lived through those experiences too. So go for it!

Walk right on up to that ledge, stand on the edge and look down at your knees knocking, your whole body trembling, and don’t mistake the excitement and anticipation of your experience for fear of the unknown. Feel the adrenaline coursing through your body, and then, when your rational mind least expects it, jump! Leap into the unknown knowing that it’s the only way for you to achieve your dream. Jump into your future. The ledge is no place for dreamers. You were born to fly. Jump and let those shiny wings of yours do what they were made to do. Embrace the adventure called LIFE and soar. I know you can do it, for I’ve seen your wings. I know that they’re there waiting to unfold into the glory of who you really are.

Sometimes when you’re not looking I see them try to poke out of the confines your mind has placed around them. Trust me when I tell you that you can fly. If you don’t believe in yourself yet, trust what I tell you and allow me to believe in you until you see it for yourself. And when you believe it, you’ll see it. And if you’re not ready to believe it quite yet, just pretend with me for just a bit, until your own belief grows so strong that no ledge can ever hold you back.

You were born to soar with the eagles. So come with me. Bring your dream into your mind. Feel the excitement. Taste the fear- and jump anyway! I’ll be there to fly with you, wingtip-to-wingtip, soaring over the mundane and the mediocre, the boring and the predictable. Woohoo! Doesn’t that feel good to stretch your wings, your limits and the boundaries of your mind and allow what’s in your heart to just burst forth with enthusiasm and say “YES!” to the dream? Go for it! Dip a little to the left, bank through that turn and whoa, watch out for that thermal. This breeze up here is strong and sometimes unpredictable, but we can handle it. You can do this. After all, it’s your dream and you were born to fly!



Lisa Qualls said...

Thanks for sharing this inspirational post...much needed thoughts as I am about to embark in to the start-up world! - Lisa

Mark Jewell said...

Roger That! Thanks for sharing Mark! What an inspiring concoction of words that just simply exploded in my head.